NPSUC is proudly affiliated to the New Zealand Sportfishing Council (NZSFC). LegaSea is the public outreach arm - wholly owned and managed by the NZSFC. The NZ Marine Research Foundation (NZMRF) is a trust that NZSFC donates to for Marine Research.

Recent NZSFC Monthly Club Reports:

+ May 2024 Club report (click here)

+ March 2024 Club report (click here

The NZSFC is the peak national body for sportfishing and has 55 affiliated member clubs around NZ and more than 37,000 affiliated members. It covers all sportfish species including bottom fish, across line classes from 1 kg to 60 kg.

Each adult club member pays affiliation fees to NZSFC ($16) incl GST and a donation to the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation ($2). Junior affilitation fees are half the adult fees.

NPSUC's delegates to the NZSFC

Ian Steele

Lee Drummond

Pete (Sauce) Saunders

Benefits of affiliation with NZ Sportfishing

The benefits to NPSUC and it's members for being affiliated to NZSFC include:

  • national consistency on records, rules, policies, history and matters of interest (>37,000 anglers are members)
  • Public outreach arm Legasea - visit
  • NZ Marine Research Foundation (NZMRF) - latest satellite tagging, fish stock analysis and information
  • Advocacy to politicians and government departments as a single nationwide voice
  • access to weighing and reporting facilities of other affiliated clubs around NZ
  • NZ nationals - ability as an angler to compete at a National level. More information here

Visit NZSFC's website (click here) for more information including NZ records (click here)